We are Southern California’s most trusted courier and messenger services that works around the clock 24/7 to ensure quick, same day deliveries of sensitive materials, documents, biologics, capital equipment and medical instruments. We utilize a GPS digital tracking service that provides our customers with live email and text message updates in order to deliver the correct package to the correct person confidentially and on-time guaranteed.
What We Deliver
Our couriers take into account the parashibility, fragility, and sensitivity of the products and equipment being delivered and use the vehicle and packaging needed to properly transport material. We have the capability to transport everything from paper records to large medical equipment including, but not limited to:
- medical records
- confidential reports
- medical transcripts
- X-rays
- capital equipment
- surgical trays
- Biologics
- and lab supplies.
We have the capability to transport everything from paper records to large pieces of medical equipment.
Who We Deliver To
We serve the entire Southern California Region from Bakersfield to San Diego and every city in between. Our medical couriers deliver to various types of medical facilities including but not limited to :
- Hospitals
- Labs
- Clinics
- Doctor’s offices
- Ambulatory surgery centers
- Pharmacies
- Manufacturers
- Distributors
- Research facilities
Who are our drivers?
We value the importance of a caring and highly-qualified staff. Our professional MedEx drivers receive extensive on-going training so they can provide personalized, professional care while maintaining a high level of respect. Rest assured our couriers are knowledgeable and up-to-date on both ethics and the products we deliver. In order to ensure the best quality of service we guarantee that all of our drivers have:
- Fidelity bond coverage
- Passed drug tests
- Passed background checks
- Passed D.O.T Approved Physical Exams
- Wear proper uniforms & carry picture ID
- Completed our on-road & defensive driving course
- Completed package security & confidentiality training